Campionatul european de floristică EUROPA CUP 2022

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Lumea floristică mondială va avea parte de un eveniment de excepție anul acesta – Campionatul european de floristică EUROPA CUP 2022. Va avea loc în Polonia, la Katowice și se va desfășura în perioada 26.08.2022 – 28.08.2022.

Mulți dintre cei mai talentați floriști din lume vor fi acolo pentru a concura și pentru a face demonstrații spectaculoase. 18 floriști de excepție se vor înfrunta într-o bătălie florală, în care vor avea de rezolvat cele mai provocatoare probe și lucrări floristice.

România este reprezentată de Nicu Bocancea, care prin ingeniozitate, măiestrie și rigurozitate va face față cu brio la aceste probe.

Vor fi două zile de artă florală de clasă mondială! Două zile pline, în care vă veți bucura de lucrările concurenților, demonstrații florale, workshop-uri și multe alte evenimente.

Mult succes, Nicu Bocancea!

Mai multe detalii găsiți în comunicatul de presă al organizatorilor, comunicat pe care îl punem mai jos și de asemenea pe site-ul dedicat acestui eveniment:

The world of floristry will celebrate the famous EUROPA CUP 2022 championship on August 26-28. Join the party!

FLORINT’s 4-yearly EUROPA CUP floristry championship will take place in Katowice, Poland, from August 26 to 28. Many of the world’s most talented florists will be there to compete and do spectacular demonstrations. We hope to see you there, to enjoy the premier floral art event of the year with us!

National florist champions from about twenty countries will participate in the EUROPA CUP 2022, FLORINT’s long-standing European Floristry Championship. These master florists will face off against each other in a floral battle, where they complete some of the most challenging arrangement work of their lives.

Who will become the ultimate victor..? Who will win the trophy, and have the honour of calling him- or herself the European Floristry Champion? Come to Katowice, Poland, to find out! Visit the updated website to help plan your visit.

Two days of world-class floral art

Two championship days with first-class floral art await you in Katowice. A complete event program has been created that will entertain all visitors. Music will feature prominently, and every single one of your senses will be stimulated.

Friday 26th August 2022 will be a special day for professional florists. After the opening ceremony, master florists from 4 different areas of the world will give 4 major shows. An exceptional range of styles and techniques will be demonstrated. To make the day even more educational, business experts will also offer seminars for professional florists.

Meanwhile, the competitors in the Europa Cup will be working on their first 3 championship tasks. And you will be able to see all that happen up-close! So wherever you look, you will be treated to astonishing floristry.

On Saturday 27th August the competitors will finish their remaining arrangements, ending in a ‘Grand Finale’ on-stage! During the gala evening, six finalists will face the final competition task – a surprise challenge – in front of the live audience. Live art and music will complement the stunning floristry, making for an unforgettable evening.
All of the created floral art pieces will also be on display on Sunday, August 28. Do you want to study the designs in detail, at your own leisure? This will be the right moment for that!

Visit the website for additional information

The EUROPA CUP 2022 will take place at the state-of-the-art International Conference Center in Katowice. Host city Katowice is a modern center of culture, industry, and trade in southwest Poland.

The International Conference Center in Katowice, Poland

The huge event is being organised by the Polish Florist Association SFP and FLORINT, together with many of our dear local and international partners. So expect a big floral celebration!

Visit to learn more about the competitors, the event program, and how to purchase your tickets.

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