„Dutch Flower Exporter „OZ-Hami” – one of the biggest partners for the Romanian Floral Cup 2023!

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Dutch Flower Exporter „OZ-Hami is the motor behind the Dutch flower export companies OZ Export and Hamifleurs!

OZ-Hami is part of Dutch Flower Group and is located in Aalsmeer in the Netherlands; the heart of the global flower trade. With over 100 years of experience, OZ-Hami is one of the largest cut flower traders in the world, exporting every year around 500 million flowers to customers in over 60 countries.



The expertise, ambition and passion of 500 employees, brought together under one name: OZ-Hami. This is where the individual roads of OZ Export and Hamifleurs come together in a big highway to export flowers of the highest quality. With the focus always on collaboration, customer orientation and personal attention. For because of the work we do, our clients can flourish. And that is something we work hard for every day!

With over 10,000 varieties of top-quality flowers, we do our utmost to make these moments even more special. We always deliver on time and are happy to think along with you when extra customized work or inspiration is required. Because even though we are not personally present during all those special moments, our flowers complete your story.
We offer our clients the most complete cut flower webshop in the world. With an assortment of more than 10.000 varieties we have something for every client, wedding or event. Responsive on all devices like desktop, tablet or phone.


Your story, our flowers

Every story is told with flowers. To make this possible, at Hamifleurs we make sure that every day, the most beautiful, fresh, high-quality flowers are delivered on time. Thereby, we give everyone in the supply chain a lot of personal attention. From growers and employees to importing wholesalers and florists. That way we are certain that the flowers we supply will make your story even more amazing.

Participa la Cupa României de Artă Florală

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